Be aware of what our kids are eating in school

THERE is an emerging global epidemic of childhood obesity which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in later life. It can be attributed to a myriad of causes such as increased physical inactivity, socio-environmental changes and changes in the dietary patterns of children.

With regard to dietary patterns, I would like to highlight the effects of canteen food.

Our children are in school for five to six hours a day and maybe longer with additional extracurricular activities. The only place they can obtain food or drinks is the school canteen.

How many of us have checked these canteens for the availability of healthy food choices?

Unhealthy foods would be those with a high content of saturated fats, meals containing highly processed or simple carbohydrates and overcooked vegetables. Cordials and other drinks high in sugar are easily available.

On the other hand, is cold drinking water easily available? It need not be expensive bottled water but just water fountains.

Children are active by nature and it has been shown that small frequent snacks best satiate them.

We should pay more attention to what is being served in our school canteens. There should be more offerings of healthy food choices which generally have less sugar, less salt, high fibre and wholemeal alternatives.

We should pay more attention to the diet of our children. If childhood obesity increases, the nation will suffer a rise in diabetes complications and cardiovascular diseases in the coming decades.

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