It's little wonder that people with diabetes hear a lot about the importance of dieting. About 90 percent of all people with newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes are overweight.
Obesity increases insulin resistance and contributes to many health problems, including heart and blood vessel disease. It is a fact that when obese people with type 2 diabetes lose weight, they often experience a lowering of their blood glucose levels and are then able to decrease their insulin or oral diabetes medications.
Its obvious that many people without diabetes are also trying to lose excess pounds. It seems new diets are being published every week, and each one promises that you can lose a lot of weight in a very short time.
The overweight person with diabetes may start to believe that eating a bizarre -- and unhealthy -- combination of foods is the only way anyone can lose weight.
The truth is that although many people do indeed lose weight while on a fad diet, most of them gain it all back once they go off the diet. So they try another diet, and the never-ending search for the one that works goes on.
These people don't realize that they regain the weight between diets because they never give up the old eating habits that make them fat in the first place. People are often unaware of what triggers excessive eating or, if they are aware, they are often unable to find a solution to these problems by themselves.
That's one reason why it's so important to undertake a diet program with the help of a doctor, nurse, and dietician.
You may receive a low-calorie exchange-type diet, which will provide you with the correct amount of calories for you and a variety of foods. They can also check your weight loss at regular and frequent intervals.
It may also be helpful if they are familiar with behaviour modification. Behaviour modification sounds like something you need a PhD in psychology to understand -- yet it's really very simple.
Behaviour modification is essentially a way to change habits-to replace bad habits with good ones. It's been used to help people stop smoking and overcome depression.
Behaviour modification programs have proven more successful in helping more people lose -- and maintain the loss of -- more pounds than any other kind of weight-loss program.
It's especially difficult to break the habit of overeating because you can't give up the habit of eating altogether. Instead, you must modify the way you eat by learning new eating habits.
A habit is an automatic act or behaviour, which means the first step in changing it is to become aware of the habit. You should ask yourself when, where, and why do you overeat? Many people find they overeat when they are depressed, lonely, or bored. Others eat when they are angry, happy, or when they want a reward for some other good behaviour.
Once you find out why you overeat, you can begin to change. It's not easy, but with determination, you may just find a behaviour modification program that works for you.
But for behaviour modification or any other program to work, it's important that you make a total commitment over a long period of time.
Abandon all excuses such as work was very hectic today or the kids got on my nerves. There are no holidays or vacations from a healthy eating plan -- including birthdays.
Exercise also plays an important part in the program. Besides burning up some calories, it helps you develop new interests in life and, over a period of time, aids physical fitness. It's important to choose the kind of exercise that you enjoy. Otherwise, it won't become a permanent part of your new lifestyle.
If you've always been very inactive, you should start with less strenuous exercise. Stand for longer periods of time and walk short distances. As your stamina increases and you lose weight, you can gradually increase your activities.
Once you've reached your desired weight and you begin the maintenance phase, the real battle starts. Now you must use your new behaviours and tools to continue to phase out old habits. You must continue to avoid situations that can trigger eating.
Obesity increases insulin resistance and contributes to many health problems, including heart and blood vessel disease. It is a fact that when obese people with type 2 diabetes lose weight, they often experience a lowering of their blood glucose levels and are then able to decrease their insulin or oral diabetes medications.
Its obvious that many people without diabetes are also trying to lose excess pounds. It seems new diets are being published every week, and each one promises that you can lose a lot of weight in a very short time.
The overweight person with diabetes may start to believe that eating a bizarre -- and unhealthy -- combination of foods is the only way anyone can lose weight.
The truth is that although many people do indeed lose weight while on a fad diet, most of them gain it all back once they go off the diet. So they try another diet, and the never-ending search for the one that works goes on.
These people don't realize that they regain the weight between diets because they never give up the old eating habits that make them fat in the first place. People are often unaware of what triggers excessive eating or, if they are aware, they are often unable to find a solution to these problems by themselves.
That's one reason why it's so important to undertake a diet program with the help of a doctor, nurse, and dietician.
You may receive a low-calorie exchange-type diet, which will provide you with the correct amount of calories for you and a variety of foods. They can also check your weight loss at regular and frequent intervals.
It may also be helpful if they are familiar with behaviour modification. Behaviour modification sounds like something you need a PhD in psychology to understand -- yet it's really very simple.
Behaviour modification is essentially a way to change habits-to replace bad habits with good ones. It's been used to help people stop smoking and overcome depression.
Behaviour modification programs have proven more successful in helping more people lose -- and maintain the loss of -- more pounds than any other kind of weight-loss program.
It's especially difficult to break the habit of overeating because you can't give up the habit of eating altogether. Instead, you must modify the way you eat by learning new eating habits.
A habit is an automatic act or behaviour, which means the first step in changing it is to become aware of the habit. You should ask yourself when, where, and why do you overeat? Many people find they overeat when they are depressed, lonely, or bored. Others eat when they are angry, happy, or when they want a reward for some other good behaviour.
Once you find out why you overeat, you can begin to change. It's not easy, but with determination, you may just find a behaviour modification program that works for you.
But for behaviour modification or any other program to work, it's important that you make a total commitment over a long period of time.
Abandon all excuses such as work was very hectic today or the kids got on my nerves. There are no holidays or vacations from a healthy eating plan -- including birthdays.
Exercise also plays an important part in the program. Besides burning up some calories, it helps you develop new interests in life and, over a period of time, aids physical fitness. It's important to choose the kind of exercise that you enjoy. Otherwise, it won't become a permanent part of your new lifestyle.
If you've always been very inactive, you should start with less strenuous exercise. Stand for longer periods of time and walk short distances. As your stamina increases and you lose weight, you can gradually increase your activities.
Once you've reached your desired weight and you begin the maintenance phase, the real battle starts. Now you must use your new behaviours and tools to continue to phase out old habits. You must continue to avoid situations that can trigger eating.